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Our Packaging Explained

Deciding to move away from the industry norms of fashionable packaging has been testing as a new business, but our dedication to providing environmentally sustainable packaging solutions as well as coffee of the highest quality had to come first.

Home delivery packaging consists of a 100% recyclable cardboard delivery box with all coffee packed to order in Natureflex inner bags.

Shop packaging consists of a 100% recyclable cardboard outer to stop uv light degrading the beans, with a home compostable Natureflex inner to keep the beans airtight in order to maintain freshness.
We highly recommend that you decent your beans into airtight, opaque containers on receipt to keep your coffee as fresh as possible.

Our Material Choices

There are no magic 100% sustainable, eco friendly solutions for packaging, the best method is to pickup our coffee direct from the roastery. But we have to be able to pack and post our coffee somehow and that method has to be the best compromise between the ideal storage method for coffee and being as green as possible.

Why not recyclable? All 100% recyclable coffee bags are made from low density polyethylene (LDPE) which is not recycled in house hold recyclable bins, and right now a tiny number of people actually take their LDPE waste to “larger stores” for recycling, so most of them end up in landfill. 100% recyclable is a great headline but it just does not work just yet. Once household recycling catches up, this will be a much better solution, but not right now.

Why compostable? As highlighted above, there is no perfect solution right now and so a choice has to be made. We decided that is is better if our packaging made its way into the wrong waste stream that it would completely compost into 100% biological material, not synthetic polymers. This option is still far from ideal as this process does release methane if it reaches landfill, however, right now this is better than 1000’s of years to brake down into micro-plastics that will inevitably find there way back into the food and water systems.


We are also here to help. Our passion is coffee and we love to talk about it, endlessly, so please get in touch if you have any questions or queries about our products, brewing methods, equipment or just want to talk coffee.
We are always here to help so please get in touch